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Steam Summer sale 2018


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Кто играет в стим есть акк с пополнением на 5евро?там есть игра за инопланетянина для этой игры есть спецальный код который играет за вас

Заходите в Steam потом нажимаете чтоб высветилась кнопка *Начать* нажимаете правую кнопку мыши и просматриваете код далее надо зайти в Console и вставить this код:


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Saliens bot
// @version      25
// @description  Beat all the saliens levels
// @match        https://steamcommunity.com/saliengame
// @match        https://steamcommunity.com/saliengame/
// @match        https://steamcommunity.com/saliengame/play
// @match        https://steamcommunity.com/saliengame/play/
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

if (typeof GM_info !== "undefined" && (GM_info.scriptHandler || "Greasemonkey") == "Greasemonkey") {
   alert("It's not possible to support Greasemonkey, please try Tampermonkey or ViolentMonkey.");

(function(context) {
"use strict";

const MAX_LEVEL = 13;

// reload automatically instead of clicking ok
context.error = context.GameLoadError = function() {

document.getElementsByClassName('salien_section')[0].getElementsByClassName('title')[0].textContent = 'vk.com/oleg_nazarov33'

// when the error is fixed we should remove the following
CSalien.prototype.UpdateCustomizations = function()
const APP = context.gApp;
const GAME = context.gGame;
const SERVER = context.gServer;
const PIXI = context.PIXI;

SERVER._ReportScore = SERVER._ReportScore || SERVER.ReportScore;
SERVER.ReportScore = function ReportScore(nScore, callback, error) {
   return this._ReportScore(nScore, function ReportScore_callback(results) {
       let response = results.response;
       console.log(`Server reported level ${response.new_level} (${response.new_score} / ${response.next_level_score})`)
       document.getElementsByClassName('subtitle')[0].innerHTML += "</br>Server reported level "+response.new_level+" ("+response.new_score+" / "+response.next_level_score+")"
       return callback(results);
   }, function ReportScore_error() {
       if (error)
           error.apply(null, arguments);

const Option = function Option(name, def) {
   if (window.localStorage[name] === undefined) {
       context.localStorage[name] = def;
   return context.localStorage[name];
Option("forceLevellingMode", false);
const SetMouse = function SetMouse(x, y) {
   APP.renderer.plugins.interaction.mouse.global.x = x;
   APP.renderer.plugins.interaction.mouse.global.y = y;
const EnemyManager = function EnemyManager() {
   return GAME.m_State.m_EnemyManager;
const AttackManager = function AttackManager() {
   return GAME.m_State.m_AttackManager;

let isJoining = false;
const TryContinue = function TryContinue() {
   let continued = false;
   if (isJoining) 
       return continued;
   if (GAME.m_State.m_VictoryScreen) {
       GAME.m_State.m_VictoryScreen.children.forEach(function(child) {
           if (child.visible && child.x == 155 && child.y == 300) {// TODO: not this
               continued = true;
               isJoining = true;
               setTimeout( => {
                   isJoining = false
               }, 6000);
	setTimeout( => {
               }, 5000);
   if (GAME.m_State.m_LevelUpScreen) {
       continued = false;
       GAME.m_State.m_LevelUpScreen.children.forEach(function(child) {
           if (child.visible && child.x == 155 && child.y == 300) {// TODO: not this
               continued = true;
               isJoining = true;
               setTimeout( => {
                   isJoining = false
               }, 6000);
	setTimeout( => {
               }, 5000);
   if (gServer.m_WebAPI && GAME.m_State instanceof CBootState) { // First screen
       isJoining = true;
       setTimeout( => isJoining = false, 1000);
   if (GAME.m_State instanceof CPlanetSelectionState && !isJoining) { // Planet Selection
       isJoining = true;
       setTimeout( => isJoining = false, 1000);
       continued = true;
   if (GAME.m_State instanceof CBattleSelectionState && !isJoining) {
       let bestZoneIdx = GetBestZone();
       if(bestZoneIdx) {
           console.log("join to zone", bestZoneIdx);
           document.getElementsByClassName('subtitle')[0].textContent = "Joining the zone number " + bestZoneIdx
           isJoining = true;
           GAME.m_State.m_Grid.click(bestZoneIdx % k_NumMapTilesW, (bestZoneIdx / k_NumMapTilesW) | 0);
           setTimeout( => isJoining = false, 1000);
       else {
           isJoining = true;
           console.log("Leaving planet, no zones left");
           setTimeout( => {
           }, 1000);
   return continued;
const CanAttack = function CanAttack(attackname) {
   let Manager = AttackManager().m_mapCooldowns.get(attackname);
   let lastUsed = Manager.m_rtAttackLastUsed;
   let canAttack = Manager.BAttack();
   Manager.m_rtAttackLastUsed = lastUsed;
   return canAttack;
const GetBestZone = function GetBestZone() {
   let bestZoneIdx;
   let highestDifficulty = -1;

   let isLevelling = context.gPlayerInfo.level < MAX_LEVEL || Option("forceLevellingMode");
   let maxProgress = isLevelling ? 10000 : 0;

   for (let idx = 0; idx < GAME.m_State.m_Grid.m_Tiles.length; idx++) {
       let zone = GAME.m_State.m_Grid.m_Tiles[idx].Info;
       if (!zone.captured) {
           if (zone.boss) {
               console.log(`zone ${idx} (${bestZoneIdx % k_NumMapTilesW}, ${(bestZoneIdx / k_NumMapTilesW) | 0}) with boss`);
               return idx;

           if(isLevelling) {
               if(zone.difficulty > highestDifficulty) {
                   highestDifficulty = zone.difficulty;
                   maxProgress = zone.progress;
                   bestZoneIdx = idx;
               } else if(zone.difficulty < highestDifficulty) continue;

               if(zone.progress < maxProgress) {
                   maxProgress = zone.progress;
                   bestZoneIdx = idx;
           } else {
               if(zone.progress > maxProgress) {
                   maxProgress = zone.progress;
                   bestZoneIdx = idx;


   if(bestZoneIdx !== undefined) {
       console.log(`${GAME.m_State.m_PlanetData.state.name} zone ${bestZoneIdx} (${bestZoneIdx % k_NumMapTilesW}, ${(bestZoneIdx / k_NumMapTilesW) | 0}) progress: ${GAME.m_State.m_Grid.m_Tiles[bestZoneIdx].Info.progress} difficulty: ${GAME.m_State.m_Grid.m_Tiles[bestZoneIdx].Info.difficulty}`);

   return bestZoneIdx;
const GetBestPlanet = function GetBestPlanet() {
   let bestPlanet;
   let maxProgress = 0;

   if (!GAME.m_State.m_mapPlanets)

   for (let planetKV of GAME.m_State.m_mapPlanets) {
       let planet = planetKV[1];
       if(planet.state.active && !planet.state.captured && planet.state.capture_progress > maxProgress) {
           maxProgress = planet.state.capture_progress;
           bestPlanet = planet;


   if(bestPlanet) {
       console.log(`selecting planet ${bestPlanet.state.name} with progress: ${bestPlanet.state.capture_progress}`);
       return bestPlanet.id;

// Let's challenge ourselves to be human here!

const InGame = function InGame() {
   return GAME.m_State.m_bRunning;

const WORST_SCORE = -1 / 0;
const START_POS = APP.renderer.width;

const EnemySpeed = function EnemySpeed(enemy) {
   return enemy.m_Sprite.vx;
const EnemyDistance = function EnemyDistance(enemy) {
   return (enemy.m_Sprite.x - k_nDamagePointx) / (START_POS - k_nDamagePointx);

const EnemyCenter = function EnemyCenter(enemy) {
   return [
       enemy.m_Sprite.x + enemy.m_Sprite.width / 2,
       enemy.m_Sprite.y + enemy.m_Sprite.height / 2

const BlackholeOfEnemy = function BlackholeOfEnemy(enemy) {
   for(var [_, blackhole] of AttackManager().m_mapBlackholes) {
       // Check if enemy is very close to blackhole
       if ( EnemyCenter(enemy)[0] < blackhole.x || EnemyCenter(enemy)[0] > blackhole.x ||
            EnemyCenter(enemy)[1] < blackhole.y || EnemyCenter(enemy)[1] > blackhole.y ) {
           return blackhole;
   return null;

class Attack {
   constructor() {
       this.nextAttackDelta = 0;
   shouldAttack(delta, enemies) {
       throw new Error("shouldAttack not implemented");
   process(enemies) {
       throw new Error("process not implemented");
   getAttackName() {
       throw new Error("no current attack name");
   canAttack() {
       return CanAttack(this.getAttackName());
   getAttackData() {
       return AttackManager().m_AttackData[this.getAttackName()];

// Basic clicking attack, attack closest
class ClickAttack extends Attack {
   shouldAttack(delta) {
       // Can't do basic attack when station is down
       if (GAME.m_State.m_PlayerHealth <= 0)
           return false;
       this.nextAttackDelta -= delta;
       return this.nextAttackDelta <= 0;;
   score(enemy) {
       if (enemy.m_bDead)
           return WORST_SCORE;
       return 1 - EnemyDistance(enemy);
   process(enemies) {
       let target, target_score = WORST_SCORE;

       enemies.forEach((enemy) => {
           if (!enemy.m_Sprite.visible)
           let now_score = this.score(enemy);
           if (now_score > target_score) {
               target = enemy, target_score = now_score;

       if (target)
   attack(enemy) {
       this.nextAttackDelta = 1 / CLICKS_PER_SECOND;

class ProjectileAttack extends Attack {
   targetPosition(target) {
       return EnemyCenter(target);
   shouldAttack(delta) {
       return CanAttack(this.getAttackName());
   score(enemy) {
       if (enemy.m_bDead)
           return WORST_SCORE;
       return enemy.m_nHealth;
   process(enemies) {
       let target, target_score = WORST_SCORE;

       enemies.forEach((enemy) => {
           if (!enemy.m_Sprite.visible)
           let now_score = this.score(enemy);
           if (now_score > target_score) {
               target = enemy, target_score = now_score;

       if (target) {
           this.attack.apply(this, this.targetPosition(target));
   attack(x, y) {
       SetMouse(x, y)

// the '1' button (SlimeAttack PsychicAttack BeastAttack - depends on body type of your salien)
class SpecialAttack extends ProjectileAttack {

   targetPosition(target) {
       var finalTargetPosition = EnemyCenter(target);

       // SpecialAttack's projectile is quite slow, so we need to aim ahead of the target
       finalTargetPosition[0] += 50*EnemySpeed(target);

       // If target is stuck in blackhole, shoot at black hole instead
       var blackhole = BlackholeOfEnemy(target);
       if(blackhole != null) {
           finalTargetPosition = [blackhole.x, blackhole.y];

       return finalTargetPosition;

   getAttackName() {
       if (gSalien.m_BodyType == "slime")
           return "slimeattack";
       else if (gSalien.m_BodyType == "beast")
           return "beastattack";
           return "psychicattack";

class BombAttack extends ProjectileAttack {
   getAttackName() {
       return "explosion";
class BlackholeAttack extends ProjectileAttack {
   getAttackName() {
       return "blackhole";
class MeteorAttack extends ProjectileAttack {
   getAttackName() {
       return "boulder";

class FreezeAttack extends Attack {
   getCurrent() {
       return "flashfreeze";
   shouldAttack(delta, enemies) {
       let shouldAttack = false;
       if (CanAttack(this.getCurrent())) {
           enemies.forEach((enemy) => {
               if (EnemyDistance(enemy) <= 0.05) {
                   shouldAttack = true;
       return shouldAttack;
   getData() {
       return AttackManager().m_AttackData[this.getCurrent()];
   process() {

let attacks = [
   new ClickAttack(),
   new SpecialAttack(),
   new FreezeAttack(),
   new BombAttack(),
   new MeteorAttack(),
   new BlackholeAttack()

if (context.BOT_FUNCTION) {
   context.BOT_FUNCTION = undefined;

let reloadingPage = false;

context.BOT_FUNCTION = function ticker(delta) {
   delta /= 100;

   let difficulties = PIXI.loader.resources['level_config'];
   if (difficulties)
       for (let difficulty in difficulties.data) {
           let freq = difficulties.data[difficulty].enemies.spawn_frequency;
           freq.min = freq.max;

   let buttonsOnErrorMessage = document.getElementsByClassName("btn_grey_white_innerfade btn_medium");
   if(buttonsOnErrorMessage[0] != null) {
       if (!reloadingPage) {
           setTimeout( => buttonsOnErrorMessage[0].click(), 1000);


   if (GAME.m_IsStateLoading) {

   if (!InGame()) {
       if (TryContinue()) {

   let state = EnemyManager();

   let enemies = state.m_rgEnemies;

   for (let attack of attacks)
       if (attack.shouldAttack(delta, enemies))






уже 8 уровень набил и есть ли те кто продают или просто отдадут стим с пополнением

[glow=red][/glow]Продам перса в лс

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